Pastoralists conference to mitigate climate change effects FarmKenya 5:53 2 years ago 468 Далее Скачать
Livestock and climate change: Pastoralism and Uncertainty online course STEPSCentre 20:36 1 year ago 237 Далее Скачать
Climate change turns heat on Africa's pastoralists [The Morning Call] africanews 6:53 5 years ago 582 Далее Скачать
AgResearch Climate Change Presentations: Mark Lieffering - Pastoral agriculture, global change AgResearch 10:21 6 years ago 169 Далее Скачать
Evidence-based advocacy for climate change resilience: Pastoralists in Kenya SNV 6:04 4 years ago 391 Далее Скачать
Reducing risks from climate change for pastoralists: Peter Little Agrilinks 4:25 9 years ago 127 Далее Скачать
How is climate change impacting Africa's pastoralists? SPARC Knowledge 2:40 2 weeks ago 6 Далее Скачать
How South Sudan’s pastoralists are adapting to climate shocks The New Humanitarian 1:01 1 year ago 248 Далее Скачать
How erratic rainfall is affecting the lives of pastoralists Down To Earth 2:53 6 years ago 1 182 Далее Скачать
Climate Variability and Adaptation Strategies of Pastoralists in the Sahel Erasmus Mundus Joint Master CCD-STeDe 11:21 2 years ago 73 Далее Скачать
Tanzania youth pastoralist leader Josephat Masanja at the UN climate change conference, Dubai CGIAR 3:49 11 months ago 142 Далее Скачать
Pastoral communities call for more funding over adverse effects of climate change NTV Kenya 3:16 1 year ago 341 Далее Скачать
Climate Change and Food Systems: Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability 1:15:47 2 years ago 450 Далее Скачать
FAO + EU: Supporting pastoralists in Eastern Africa Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 0:57 3 years ago 829 Далее Скачать
Can we mitigate the effects of climate change? | Molly Downes | TEDxFrancisHollandSchoolSloaneSquare TEDx Talks 7:47 3 years ago 1 845 Далее Скачать
Causes and Effects of Climate Change | National Geographic National Geographic 3:05 7 years ago 5 304 207 Далее Скачать
Project dubbed 'drive' to protect pastoralists from drought effects Citizen TV Kenya 2:51 1 year ago 1 090 Далее Скачать
#BetterPlacesForPeople webinar recording - The Health Impacts of Climate Change World Green Building Council 1:35:03 3 years ago 162 Далее Скачать
Prime Minister Singh opens conference on climate change AP Archive 2:03 9 years ago 152 Далее Скачать